Equine Assisted Coaching sessions are one of the fastest and most lasting learning experiences available. In an equine assisted coaching session, we work with horses at liberty (no saddles or bridle) and on the ground, rather than riding, to help you learn about yourself and the ways you communicate and express yourself in the world.  The video below shows what it can look like to work with a horse at liberty.

Because you are outdoors with an animal while learning, many clients find this method of coaching provides learning that is very easy to access going forward, like a lesson that stays with you.  The learning is visceral and unique to you and therefore easy to recall.   You learn in a part of your brain that is different than verbal learning such as talking or reading. 

Jane uses her horses and one donkey as coaching assistants. As highly social, non-predatory and incredibly aware animals, they provide excellent assistance because their natural instincts and way of living make them well equipped to help us learn about non-verbal aspects of communication and how we present ourselves in the world. Besides that, they are beautiful and each one has their own fun and unique personality which can make the learning process more enjoyable.

Jane uses on-the ground horse work to shed light on not only communication styles and non-verbal communication, but also how our human mind can sometimes take us into the past or the future rather than staying in the present moment. The power in horse work is that it can help us learn and practice unique, personalized techniques to better enable us to stay in the present moment, which is proven to build happiness, calm, and improve our relationships with ourselves and others.

Jane’s herd and work is all done at a facility in Santa Barbara, California.